For certain developments where the site and planning policy is more complex and uncertain, it is recommended that a pre-application is conducted. Most Councils offer a pre-application advice service to give informal guidance on a number of planning issues before a planning application is submitted. Pre-applications have many benefits such as an opportunity to better understand the way in which the application will be judged against the policies in the development plan and other material considerations; can identify where there is a need for specialist input such as that relating to historic buildings or ecology; affords the opportunity to develop and modify the proposal to make it potentially more acceptable to the Council and helps to ensure a smoother and quicker passage through the development control process; and may indicate if the proposal is completely unacceptable to the Council, thus saving you the costs of finalising an application and paying a fee. Councils differ in what information they require for a pre-application submission and also charge for their advice.
Full Planning Application
If the proposal and planning policy is relatively straightforward, you may decide to proceed in submitting a full or outline planning application if so UK Holiday Homes Ltd will supply you will all the relevant information thats need for the proposed new Static Caravan, Lodge or Mobile home you have chosen to purchase.
What Happens if the Planning Application is Refused?
There are two options available to you if your planning application has been refused and these are as follows:
In the first instance, it may be best to discuss with the Local Planning Authority whether changing the plans might make a difference. If your application has been refused, you may be able to submit another application with modified plans free of charge within 12 months of the decision on your first application.
If your application is refused you have the right to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. Appeals against the refusal of planning permission for householder development or minor commercial development should be lodged within 12 weeks of the date of the decision. All other appeals, with the exception of an appeal against an Enforcement Notice, must be made within 6 months of the date of the council’s decision.
This document is a guide only, designed to provide advice on mobile homes/caravans; it is not a statement of the law. UK Holiday Homes Ltd are not offering it as legal, or other professional services advice. Every planning situation is different and the advice and strategies contained within this document may not be suitable or applicable for your situation. UK Holiday Homes Ltd shall not be held liable or responsible to any person or entity for loss caused to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the material in this publication.
UK Holiday Homes Ltd have in-depth and current knowledge of the planning issues involved to prepare any professional planning application for the Caravan & Mobile home Industry. Further details can be obtained by contacting UK Holiday Homes Ltd on 01423 601 102 or email